Tuesday, July 5, 2011

blog relocation

I guess I have a deep-seeded desire to relocate all things in my life this summer :-)
From here on you can catch me at tumblr

Grace and Peace

Sunday, June 26, 2011

SSN (summer sunday nights) recap 6/26/11

Scripture used

Video used;

Great conversations tonight based around how we can easily be the pharisee and how we by default become the face of religion to our friends...

Main focus revolved around how God desires our hearts, not our best attempts at 'religion'.

*If your students were in attendance tonight I encourage you to chat with them about the conversation we had with one another.

Monday, June 20, 2011

language, love and South Mississippi

This is by no means a 'diss' of anyone from anywhere in particular.
This is a rant, a struggle and therapy for a present burden.

"If you want to know what is in ones heart, listen to what comes out of their mouth."

Suffice to say I have been doing a lot of observing and listening over the past few weeks as re-entry has begun into a new-but-familiar culture that is my home. The place of my childhood and formative years. The place I am un-shakingly proud of. The place that I hope to call home for many years to come.

I love my new job, my church, my students... I count myself blessed beyond measure.

But I am burdened. Burdened by the words I hear fall so often from others mouths.

I start from a place of inclusiveness. A place of love. I attempt to walk with my savior who showed this world a love like no other. A love that healed lepers, redeemed prostitutes, embraced tax collectors and most of all made a way for All of God's creation to know what life truly is.

I hear things. Words. Words, phrases, labels that divide. Phrases that marginalize, that discriminate. Words that do the exact opposite of what Christ came to do, show and live-out for the whole world to see.

Am I healed of this. No, I am a work in progress but I know what has been confirmed in my heart. Cemented deep within my spirit is a truth that can only be there of the divine - that all of this creation is God's. That the mighty acts of Jesus were not just for some but for all.

If what I am hearing is affirming the hearts of those uttering I must put my head down, get on my knees and know that there is work to be done. Is this a burden - yes. Does it fan the flame of my calling - absolutely. There is work to be done. There is a kingdom to proclaim. There is love to show. May God give me strength to be faithful to his call.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Back in the Saddle Again!!

Rental House - check
Moving Company Delivery - check
Internet - check
settled in at new job - check

More 'real' blogs coming soon.

stay tuned

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Turning the Page

There is a perpetual rhythm. Things change; beginning, ending and so-on and so-forth.

In Youth/Student ministry we found ourselves in a season of change. For most of us we are celebrating graduates, welcoming new students into our ministries and for some of us wrapping-up job roles or even employment opportunities (job changes, like myself).

All of this begs the question; How do we facilitate quality, meaningful, God-honoring 'rites of passage'?

If I'm honest this has always been a struggle in my current church setting. I can't pinpoint why but have always assumed it was the hectic culture of the suburbs or the chaotic times of year that these seasons coincide with. We've tried large-scale events with all the fanfare, low-key relational events to encourage intentional community-building and everywhere in-between.

Through all of this I have made some conclusions.

1.) The 'rite-of-passage' must echo the community.
If you are a large group that thrives off of big events - live into it.
If you lead a smaller group focused in community and relationship - live into it.

2.) Lead where your strengths are, let others lead in your weaknesses.
If you aren't the M.C. type with large-scale gifts find someone who is. After all, you're not called to be the only leader for your students. Likewise, if you're the one who is always up front and captivating and your group needs a smaller event, relax, build relationship and move the focus away from the group and into the individuals.

3.) Know you're not going to please everyone.
Face it, our students are all different and respond to different events and enviornments. See point 1.

4.) It's just an event.
I've never known a single event to direct the ongoing ministry for an extended period of time. Weekly worship, small groups, fellowship, service and other things shape the ministry - not an annual event.

5.) Establish the goal - and seek it.
For us, we have promotion events coming up. We ask the community (students) the goal. they define it and they plan how to achieve it with some direction from us. To affirm and honor our graduates we had two main goals; affirmation and appreciation. One week we had the celebration which was all about them and their accomplishments, the next week we let our seniors lead and direct the entire weekly event.

Make no mistake, these 'rites of passage' are important. Don't be like many of us and get lulled by the perpetual rhythm of things. Be intentional. Lead well and finish strong. After all, for us this may be the last or first time we see some of our students.

*for youthministryideas.net

Friday, May 13, 2011

Youth Ministry Trap

So I just co-hosted a small conference (or a discussion) among the youth pastors of the 100 largest churches in my denomination.

As I am still trying to unpack the conversations we had, the learning we shared I find one pervasive element rising from this week - comparison.

I don't think I'm the only one that struggles with this. There were some extremely successful, gifted, challenging folks in the room from around the country. All I could think about was, "Why am I here?" Don't get me wrong - I don't second-guess my calling or my gifts for ministry but I can't help thinking - "Why didn't I think of that idea? That is incredible! How did they pull that off in a large church?"

Truth is, there will always be someone better than me doing ministry - at least in my eyes. But as I have been earnestly praying through this I have found solace in the Grace that meets me in my desire to compare myself to others. I must trust in God's spirit to guide me and lead me where I am. The comparison game is always going to be there, we are human, it is inherent to covet - at least it is for me.

I get the strong sense that God wants us all to know that we have been called to be where we are, to do what we do for the kingdom to honor Him and Him alone. He doesn't compare us to those who make us feel like Charlie Brown.

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10

Grace & Peace

Monday, May 9, 2011

Things that St. Luke's taught me volume 1

I could really write for the rest of my life about what I have learned over the last 4+ years. I won't bore you with it all - but I will write some things that have definitely shaped me and bear repeating.

* You don't know it all - and that's ok

Picture this; a young, brash youth worker from the bible-belt gets called-up to the largest UM Church in the Florida Annual Conference. This kid has been trained by a veteran youth worker - had success serving a small-to-mid size church in a pervasively religious small town and thinks that the world is his oyster.


Yes, I thought I knew it all - and what I didn't know I would fake-it-till-I-made-it.
This was compounded by personal insecurities with a dash of following one incredible Youth Worker that serves at the largest UM church in the US. (don't get lost in the number rhetoric - just making a point).

St. Luke's helped to lovingly deconstruct my calling. I appreciate it now. Looking back, many persons knew all along I was full-of-it at times but graciously let me realize how little I knew.

How little I knew of theology. How little I knew of tact. How little I knew of leadership. How little I knew of adolescent development, the list could go on and on and on.....

You get the picture.

Thank you St. Luke's United Methodist Church, It was in the arms of your extended Grace I can now say with strength and integrity I don't know it all, and that's ok.

Telos snapshot - May 4th

Theme: From My heart to Yours pt. 1

Message: Jeremy Knight

Brief conversation about the Death of 'bin Laden' (5 minutes)
Proverbs 24:17
Living in tension
God's heart for humanity and resolution of Justice


Message in a couple sentences:
One of my biggest concerns is the choices/decisions made by adolescents.
Wisdom is available - seek it!
Direction - not intent, determines destination.

Scripture: Proverbs 2:1-15

Look to You - Hillsong United
Our God - Chris Tomlin
Grace Like Rain - Todd Agnew
Lead me to the cross - Brooke Fraser
You Never Let Go - Matt Redman

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Telos snapshot - April 27th

Theme; Resurrection 101 (the tomb is empty - so what's the big deal?)

Message; Jeremy Knight

Scriptures used; Luke 9:21-23 & 1 Peter 1:3-4

Discaimer; I am no academic or theologian - tonight is a brief conversation that barely skims the surface of the depth of this magnificent act and pillar of the Christian faith.

Message in a sentence; The resurrection is a proclamation and Invitation

Proclamation - *God is who 'He' says he is
*Fulfillment of prophecy
*The story is moving
*Proclaiming life, not death

Invitation - *Life, to the full
*Reconciliation of all things
* Redemption

Music - All Because of Jesus (Steve Fee)
Fail us Not (1000 generations)
With Everything (Hillsong United)
Happy Day (Steve Fee)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vocational Discipleship pt 2

Had an affirmation in a brainstorming/design team discussion today...

We, and by that I mean those of us in ministry to students as staff, leaders and parents must do a better job of letting the stories of vocational discipleship be told and heard.

For instance, the greatest ministry volunteers I have ever had the pleasure of serving with work in the secular (I despise that word) or non-church world. They all felt a tug on their heart, submitted to service and God affirmed their gifts while fanning the flame in their hearts to reach students with the good news of Jesus.

These fine folks serve as computer programmers, loan officers, logistics coordinators and homemakers.... but yet they see their vocations as places to be engaged as disciples. Why aren't their stories told?

Today I was reminded about a guy, whom I have never met, but have heard much about. His name is Michael. I know little about him personally, but more-so about what happened when he followed a 'holy discontent' and used his gifts to impact his community while serving the kingdom. His discipleship led him to a vocation that is transforming the lives of folks in Orlando and the surrounding area.

This is just one of many stories we need to tell our students.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Telos Snapshot - 4/13/2011

open question 1 - What defines you?

open question 2 - What role do our actions play in who we are.?.?

Luke 12:31-34

what we treasure defines our motives, actions and outcomes

open question 3 - what do you treasure?.?.?

Matthew 13:45-46

seek the Kingdom, which transforms our motives, actions and outcomes

Saturday, April 2, 2011

have I told you lately

It is hard to explain how much I dislike holding a Lock-in or overnighter for students.
Every year I fantasize about lying about or faking an illness just to get out of holding them.
But alas, we have incredibly well-mannered and behaved students who truly enjoy depriving themselves of sleep.

Today is the aftermath. A 3 hour nap, awkward appetite, dehydration from caffeine overload. It seems to get worse the older I become.

But, all in all, I enjoy the relational building times with students that happens in the odd times. The times away from a worship setting. The times that emerge when you least expect it.

On another note. There is a standing rule at our lock-ins that if you fall asleep, you are 'free-game.'

Apparently Cam didn't take us seriously.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

important reminder

Words have power.

What you say matters.

What you don't say matters.

We can make a large horse go wherever we want by means of a small bit in its mouth. And a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong. In the same way, the tongue is a small thing that makes grand speeches. James 3:3-5

Monday, March 28, 2011

Vocational Discipleship pt 1

Lens; student ministry

Premise; ministry to teenagers is less about tomorrow and more about later, sometimes much later

First, I am not condemning anyones ministry. Lord knows that I have missed the mark more times to count over the last 10 years. I am in a season of deconstruction when it comes to the intention behind ministry to students/youth/teenagers. It is a tough place to be when one doesn't have much patience.

So here is where this is coming from; I was recently listening to a recorded conversation with David Kinnaman who co-wrote an incredible book titled UnChristian. Within the conversation he mentioned a huge weakness in the Church at present. He tagged it as 'Vocational Discipleship'. He's smart and hip - so we will go with it. Shortly after he gave a brief description my mind went into a place of warp-speed. I literally don't remember finishing my drive to work. Sorry Nan, don't mean to freak you out.

First realization, My Church definitely calls its congregants to engage the kingdom where they find it i.e. at work, at home and in their community and world. That is all well and good if a.) you're a regular worship attender b.) you are an auditory learner c.) an adult that meets the situations daily. What about students? I immediately felt like the spotlight was on me while standing on a empty stage begging for the music to start - think Napoleon Dynamite.

First thought, for those of us connected or actively participating in ministry to students;
Are we too consumed with the present that we forget about the future of our kids as fruitful disciples in the Kingdom? You see, I am guilty as charged. I hope that we lean into a healthy tension between active and aware engagement now in the life offered to us in Christ and quality preparatory discipleship training that knows that we are all ministers of the gospel and that we are all called. I know that for myself it was a long time before I realized - I mean really realized that the Great Commission was for all, not just those with a fancy church staff title.

I want students under my care to have more tools to seek His Kingdom as a college student, an intern, a young professional, a healthcare professional, a teacher, a musician. I believe it is our call. I don't believe this is a new idea. When I look at the gospels I see Jesus constantly speaking and doing things that are in preparation for his followers. Engaging conversations that speak to their emerging vocation as well as action that shows others how to react and envelop their calling in their world. I see the growing pains of the early church in Acts that depended solely on the spirit of God to discern and lead. I read Paul challenging those seeking Christ to shrug off the distractions and seek the Lord. Not just a seeking in a particular time and place, but rather in their lives, all-the-while undergirding a message of holiness - the set apart.

Students need to know that seeking holiness is not just a time or place but rather a way.

2nd thought coming soon

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

TELOS - snapshot 3/23/2011

Series; '4D Future for 3D People'

Theme; Dream; hope, aspire and vision with a blank slate

Message; Jeremy Knight

Scriptures used;

Message in a sentence/paragraph; Jesus makes a bold proclamation of the Kingdom and speaks to us telling us what we are 'Salt' i.e. seasoning, preservative, disenfectant. When we know what we are it frees us to hope, dream and aspire aligned with God and his work in our world.

All Because of Jesus
Everlasting God
Where the Spirit of the lord is

Up Next; Spring Break (no TELOS) (3/30) , Lock-In (4/1)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I haven't forgotten about you

I know the ole' blog hasn't gotten much attention lately - except for the letter below.

Truth is, the last 8 days have been a whirl-wind of sorts. Rest assured I haven't forgotten about you - it is actually you that are in the forefront over the last 8 days.

Trust that your students will be well lead through this transition. You have a tremendous church staff that are intimately involved in making sure NexGen Ministries thrives well beyond my time here.

I can't begin to thank you for the heartfelt words and messages both Nan and I have received over the past week. We are truly humbled by your grace and thankfulness of what God has done over the last 4+ years.

Grace and Peace

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Resignation

It is with a bittersweet heart that I inform you of my recent

resignation from St. Luke's UMC as the Director of NexGen Ministries.

Nan, Leyton and I will be moving back to Mississippi where I will be

serving Main Street UMC in Hattiesburg as the Pastor of Students and

Families beginning June 1, 2011. It has always been a desire of our

hearts to return to a location closer to home in the future although we

did not think that the ‘future’ would be this soon. We are truly

excited about this opportunity and feel very much at peace about this

very difficult decision we have made together. I will continue to serve St. Luke's until late May.

I informed the High School Students Wednesday evening at TELOS

of my resignation. Dave Jans and I will address this news with our Middle School Students Thursday evening at FUEL.

I write you for several reasons. First, I value you as a partner in ministry. I hope with every ounce of my being that you know the incredible affect you have on your students. I have always been aware that I was your partner in this, not that you were my partner- or that our influence is stronger than yours. The truth is that we seek to come along-side you and yours to build Disciples that impact God’s Kingdom.

Your families have helped me ‘grow-up’ as a man, as a minister of the good news of Jesus Christ and most importantly as a disciple. We ask for your continued prayers for our students and leaders, both lay and staff, as they enter a time of seeking God’s desire for NexGen Ministries at St. Luke’s.

The pastoral and lay leadership of the church will be communicating

with the entire congregation next week about my transition and the

process that will begin to ensure that St. Luke's continues to have a

student ministry that is deeply grounded in Christ.

I cannot consider myself anymore blessed than I am to have been able to

serve St. Luke's, your students and your families over the last 4+ years.

I will relish the next few months with you and pray nothing but

blessings over St. Luke's and ministry for the time ahead.

Grace and Peace,


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Telos - snapshot 2/23/2011

Series; 'The Comfort in the Uncomfortable'

Theme; Seeking Christ in the midst of brokeness

Message; Jeremy Knight

Scriptures used;
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Psalm 34:17-19

Message in a sentence/paragraph; We either sit in one of two seats - the seat of the brokenhearted, or the seat of comfort. We tend to move from one to the other on the journey. If we sit in the comfort-seat we must move in order to be Christ to others (2 Cor.). If we find ourselves brokenhearted we must remember that our God is the God of the brokenhearted (Psalm 34).

Invitation given to accept the Grace that is offered through the work of Jesus Christ.

Response; write on one side of a card the person(s) that have been placed in our lives that we are to be Christ to. Write on the other side a reminder to yourself that God is the god of the brokenhearted for when we find ourselves in a tough place.

Chosen Generation
Happy Day
Our God
Where the Spirit of the lord is

Up Next; Relaxed Game Night (3/2) Ash Wednesday Service (3/9)

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Knight Family: Magic Kingdom with Leyton

The Knight Family: Magic Kingdom with Leyton: "Today we took Leyton to his first Disney park, Magic Kingdom. Yes, it is only 5 minutes away from us, but we wanted to wait until he was som..."

Friday, February 18, 2011


I get to spend my Saturday at the beautiful Warren W. Willis Youth Camp with lots of young adults applying to spend their summer in ministry to thousands of children and students from the state of Florida.

Praying tonight for discernment and intuition for those of us conducting interviews and building relationships with these young people.

I've also been tasked with delivering a devotion/message for those in attendance. We will spend some time in Ephesians 4 talking about becoming more like Christ, and reminding ourselves of an incredible truth this guy once shared, "You are never more like Christ than when you serve."

Enjoy your weekend, I hope to as well...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

High School parents invited

If you are a parent of one of our High School students you should know by now that you have been invited to come and join us tonight (not in the Attic) but in a nearby room so that we can share with you how we are handling the difficult subject matter tonight for your students.

Please join Dave Jans, associate director at 7:45 as he shares with you the intent and direction of the discussion I will have with your students tonight. He also will have a very important hand-out for you.

If you cannot make it and would like for you to send you the notes from my message and/or the parent hand-out please email me at JKnight@st.lukes.org

Grace and Peace


Telos - more than a snapshot 2/16/2011

Series; The Comfort in the Uncomfortable

Theme; Sex on Trial

Message; Jeremy Knight

If we are honest, we all have the propensity to know what is expected, or what ʻthe

Bible saysʼ..... but we also want to know why....

When we were younger.... Leyton examples (donʼt jump on the couch, donʼt do _____)

most of our learning is experiential - but when it comes to Learning about Sex we

cannot afford to learn the hard way.....

Am I naive enough to believe that I am standing in front of 60 teenage virgins..... no

What I am sure of is that you need to know why not....

Tonight we are going to speak to some of the well-known arguements for sex outside of

marriage... My hope is that you will leave here tonight better equipped for the battle... it

is a battle... no doubt

1.) God created sex - we didnʼt. If we think we know best - think again. We like to

rationalize and personalize our own situations... this is pride... we all know that pride is sin

2.) ʻHaving sex makes you a ʻmanʼ or a ʻwomanʼ

Fellas - character, integrity and respect makes you a man

Ladies - character, respect and integrity makes you a woman

3.) “Itʼs not like Iʼm having intercourse”

Genital contact is sex..... Example story

4.) “Waiting is not healthy” waiting never hurt anyone.

God speaks to a design in the Song of Songs, building blocks (Hebrew; Raya, Ahava, Dode)

5.) “Itʼs just sex”

false, sex has a cost; physical, emotional, social, spiritual

credit card analogy

6.) God gave me this temptation - itʼs cruel (James 1:13-18)

Some Tough Truth

1.) Sex outside of marriage is the greatest way to enjoy worry and fear....

“What if the condom breaks? What if my parents find out?.....etc.....

2.) This has incredible implications on you spiritually. Sex is a spiritual act (in its

intention) 1 Corinthinas 6:18-20..... Disconnection Romans 8:5





Where you draw the line determines;




We have said all of this to give you this comfort, I couldnʼt say it any better than this

“Out of His boundless love and wisdom, God has given us boundaries for our


This is comfort amidst the uncomfortable

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Telos - snapshot 2/9/2011

Series; 'The Comfort in the Uncomfortable'

Theme; the truth about social media

Message; (Special Guest) Kholter Hunt

Scriptures used;
Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-16
Galatians 5:1
Ephesians 4:17-24

Message in a sentence; Since we are created to be in connection we must understand that our online lives are an extension of our true-selves, How will your lives online reflect the Glory of God living within you.

Music; Brighter
Like a Lion
Micah 6:8
Follow You
I am Free

Up Next; The truth about Sex; an honest conversation about the realities and implications of teenage sexuality

Monday, February 7, 2011

NexGen Retreat Recap 2/4-2/6

Who: 100 incredible Middle and High School Students and 24 adult and college-age volunteers

What: Annual spiritual formation retreat consisting of corporate worship services, focused biblical teaching, small group discussions, games and community building activities, service opportunities in the local community

The 'Big-Picture' Theme; The work of God through the person of Jesus Christ has called us to engage the 'Kingdom of God' that is coming forth in our world and in our lives. Our responsibility is to engage it right here and right now.

Friday night; 'Kingdom Understanding'
  • God's Kingdom is not bound by geography
  • God's Kingdom is not easily defined
  • Matthew 10:7 & Matthew 6
  • Where we see the goodness of God at work in our world by our efforts or otherwise is where we affirm His Kingdom and engage
Saturday Morning; 'Kingdom Sight'
  • Exodus 33 (high school)
  • Isaiah 6 (high school)
  • John 14 (high school)
  • Acts 9 (both MS & HS)
  • Optical Illusions illustrations
  • Do we have scales on our eyes?
  • We must ask for the eyes of Christ so that we may see more clearly His kingdom
Saturday Afternoon; 'Kingdom Urgency'
  • Matthew 5 (high school)
  • Why and what must we 'be' in order to engage God's kingdom
  • Acts 9 (middle school)
  • you're not too young to make a difference
  • bystander effect (stop expecting others to do it for you)
  • God is making his appeal through us (2 Corinthians 5:20)
Saturday Night; 'Kingdom Life'
  • we all have a choice
  • we choose constantly between the world and the Kingdom
  • Dave shared his story of life in the world and the movement into a life in the Kingdom
  • Students urged to choose
Some of the Music from the weekend;
  • Freedom is Here - Hillsong United
  • Fail us Not - 1000 generations
  • Where the Spirit of the Lord is - chris tomlin
  • Love is Here - Tenth Avenue North
  • Desert Song - Brooke Fraser
  • Brighter - Brandon Grissom
  • Revelation Song - Kari Jobe
  • Our God - Chris Tomlin
  • The time has come - Hillsong United
  • You'll come - Hillsong United
  • Give me Your Eyes - Brandon Heath
  • With Everything - Hillsong United
  • How He Loves - John Mark Mcmillan
  • You Can Have Me - Sidewalk Prophets
Some Highlights and memorable moments;
  • Friday night 'Muck-Fest' Huge, nasty, messy free-for-all with 100 students, water bombs, florida snowballs, shaving cream etc..
  • Seeing our '2 groups' become one at saturday night worship
  • Having a middle schooler say they wanted more small group time! Praise God!
  • Sunday Morning closing worship with our church family! the attic was standing room only with over 300+ students, parents and leaders! (Don't tell the fire marshall)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Telos - snapshot 2/2/2011

Series; 'The Comfort in the Uncomfortable'

Theme; moving from judgement to acceptance

Message; Pastor Beth Farabee, Minister of Discipleship

Scriptures used; Galatians 3:26-28
Romans 14:10-13
1 John 4:19-21

Message in a sentence; If we are honest, we are all guilty of judging others, but truth is that God is the one who judges - it is not our 'job'.

Music; Trading My Sorrows
Where the Spirit if the Lord is
Fail us Not
How He Loves Us
Forever and Ever Etc...
Take it All
We Shine

Up Next; Understanding your influence and responsibility with social networking/online identity

Friday, January 28, 2011

time well spent

Earlier this week I was able to spend time with 60+ youth workers from the Florida conference at Warren W. Willis Youth Camp

I'm becoming more apprehensive about leaving the fam behind as the toddler becomes more to handle day-to-day. So naturally I felt a little precarious when I left Nan and Leyton Monday evening.

Let me be the first to say I was truly blessed to be with many others who are in the trenches. It was rewarding, uplifting and encouraging in all the right ways. From the frat house atmosphere that the guys cabin morphed into in a matter of minutes to the late-night conversations and laughter and the simple but yet directed times in worship I consider myself grateful on many levels.

First, that I have a support system with my family to allow me to step-out on occasion and re-fuel.

Second, that my church not only values me but encourages the connection to others in the trenches.

Lastly, that there are many others in ministry to students who want to exit the silo and encourage others that face the same things they do on a regular basis.

I say all this to say; what are you doing to encourage others? After all you are not alone. This journey is one of relationship. Whether in the secular world, the ministry, school or anywhere else you may find yourself - you are not alone in the journey.

There were times that if I'm honest, I operated in a 'silo'. And I cannot begin to tell you how discouraged and alienated I felt at times.

Let's be the church - not do church.

present high school teaching series

It never fails. How much one learns by teaching - that is. Presently we are in the midst of a series with our high school students titled 'The Comfort in the Uncomfortable'. Our whole premise was to not tackle the sometimes obligatory topics (sex, drugs, rock & roll) in a conventional way. instead we want our students to understand that in the midst of every situation (even the uncomfortable ones) God has spoken and is still speaking into it.

If I'm honest - it has been challenging but as equally refreshing. So far we have covered topics such as depression, relationships with parents, equality vs prejudice and bullying.

It's funny that God has laid out these plans months ago but I have students that think I have crafted things to combat situations that are arising within their lives presently. Further confirmation that God has a desire for his children.

A couple of observations thus far;

1. Our students are not afraid of the confrontational nature of the topics we are addressing. Which if I'm honest has been surprising.
2. We have incredible parents in our church family that support our ministry and students in tremendously affirming ways. How blessed we are.
3. We still have work to-do in regards to connecting our faith to our actions. Not only as students but adults as well.
4. Our church models an incredible family of Grace and progressive attributes that support the engagement of discipleship in 2011 in a way that astonishes me daily. (awful run-on sentence I know)

More coming soon.