Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Vocational Discipleship pt 2

Had an affirmation in a brainstorming/design team discussion today...

We, and by that I mean those of us in ministry to students as staff, leaders and parents must do a better job of letting the stories of vocational discipleship be told and heard.

For instance, the greatest ministry volunteers I have ever had the pleasure of serving with work in the secular (I despise that word) or non-church world. They all felt a tug on their heart, submitted to service and God affirmed their gifts while fanning the flame in their hearts to reach students with the good news of Jesus.

These fine folks serve as computer programmers, loan officers, logistics coordinators and homemakers.... but yet they see their vocations as places to be engaged as disciples. Why aren't their stories told?

Today I was reminded about a guy, whom I have never met, but have heard much about. His name is Michael. I know little about him personally, but more-so about what happened when he followed a 'holy discontent' and used his gifts to impact his community while serving the kingdom. His discipleship led him to a vocation that is transforming the lives of folks in Orlando and the surrounding area.

This is just one of many stories we need to tell our students.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Telos Snapshot - 4/13/2011

open question 1 - What defines you?

open question 2 - What role do our actions play in who we are.?.?

Luke 12:31-34

what we treasure defines our motives, actions and outcomes

open question 3 - what do you treasure?.?.?

Matthew 13:45-46

seek the Kingdom, which transforms our motives, actions and outcomes

Saturday, April 2, 2011

have I told you lately

It is hard to explain how much I dislike holding a Lock-in or overnighter for students.
Every year I fantasize about lying about or faking an illness just to get out of holding them.
But alas, we have incredibly well-mannered and behaved students who truly enjoy depriving themselves of sleep.

Today is the aftermath. A 3 hour nap, awkward appetite, dehydration from caffeine overload. It seems to get worse the older I become.

But, all in all, I enjoy the relational building times with students that happens in the odd times. The times away from a worship setting. The times that emerge when you least expect it.

On another note. There is a standing rule at our lock-ins that if you fall asleep, you are 'free-game.'

Apparently Cam didn't take us seriously.