Monday, May 9, 2011

Things that St. Luke's taught me volume 1

I could really write for the rest of my life about what I have learned over the last 4+ years. I won't bore you with it all - but I will write some things that have definitely shaped me and bear repeating.

* You don't know it all - and that's ok

Picture this; a young, brash youth worker from the bible-belt gets called-up to the largest UM Church in the Florida Annual Conference. This kid has been trained by a veteran youth worker - had success serving a small-to-mid size church in a pervasively religious small town and thinks that the world is his oyster.


Yes, I thought I knew it all - and what I didn't know I would fake-it-till-I-made-it.
This was compounded by personal insecurities with a dash of following one incredible Youth Worker that serves at the largest UM church in the US. (don't get lost in the number rhetoric - just making a point).

St. Luke's helped to lovingly deconstruct my calling. I appreciate it now. Looking back, many persons knew all along I was full-of-it at times but graciously let me realize how little I knew.

How little I knew of theology. How little I knew of tact. How little I knew of leadership. How little I knew of adolescent development, the list could go on and on and on.....

You get the picture.

Thank you St. Luke's United Methodist Church, It was in the arms of your extended Grace I can now say with strength and integrity I don't know it all, and that's ok.

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